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Primary Cell Technologies

3D cultures for translational research

Why 3D cultures will soon change the drug discovery

Human cells, when non-cultured for long retain the original phenotype of the human tissue, including the disease. Numerous research show that it is possible to use patient-derived 3D cultures for therapeutic activity predictions for specific patient.

Design your clinical study and do it on the well-plate

preci will:

Assemble the patient cohort, who are willing to donate their residual surgical specimen to a study

Create a model, suitable to represent your target disease

Select an assay, which will show your drug in action

You will get:

Clinical Utility Analysis

Analysis of safety and efficacy

Go/No-Go decision advise

Patient-guided drug optimization

3D modeling of the tissue can resolve a long-standing problem of translatability of the currently used disease models. We produce a variety of models for the multiple uses. We concentrate on human-derived primary models, developing strong clinical network for biospecimen procurement.

Gastrointestinal tumors: with respect
to heterogeneityeriment range as

2D gastrointestinal & metastatic cancer monolayers
3D gastrointestinal tumor spheroids
3D colorectal tumor organoids
Cancer-associated fibroblasts

Gastrointestinal tumors: with respect to heterogeneity

Glioblastoma growth factors strongly different from those typically used for the other solid tumor growth. Nevertheless, primary cultures hold strong potential to produce new drugsto treat brain tumors.We produce astrocyte-tumor co-cultures for the purposes of GBM drug development.

Right assay for the right cell
Other models available
Assays available:

- Cell viability
- Apoptosis detection
- Immunofluorescence
- Reporter-based assays

3D breast cancer spheroids

Cancer-associated fibroblasts

Human airway cells 2D Lung

cancer-derived monolayers

3D spheroids are the most robust models, available in cell biology toolbox to model the heterogeneous tissues.
Nevertheless, those models suffer from high variability from well-to-well to donor-to-donor. This motivated us

to develop high-throughput microfluidic technology, which leads to the faithful, thus general tissue modeling.

mixture of cells from homogenized tissue

basement membrance

and plating


The system produces over a 10,000 spheroids/hour/chip

Procedure can be staтdardized, and enhance the experiment reproducibility

Procedure can incorporate wide array of cell types

Agnostic of the tissue-specific growth condidition

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